Hello my new Friend!
Thank you for your answer. I would like to say that it is my first experience
acquaintance with the man via the internet. I am glad that you answer to me.
I don't know what i need to write, but i will to try. Let's learn each other
here. ok? Well, My name is Elizaveta, I live in Russia. I am lonely woman
which decided to try happiness and find the man of my dreams from the Internet.
I don't know what it will? But I hope that my search will be successful and I
find the man of my dreams. Lot's of people get acquainted from the internet and
to create their families. Are you agree? I also dream that one interesting man
has paid attention to me, and made me happy.
I am a teacher of primary class. I work in school. I graduated from Pedagogical
Institute. I like my job, because I like children very much. Sometimes I am not
like my job because teacher's salary is very small. I work 7-8 hours every day,
sometimes weekend too. My job not difficult for me, but sometimes it was very
hard, because lot’s of children are very spoiled children. And sometimes it is
difficult to find especial way for each child. If you will interesting of my
job I can tell you more. Now, tell me of yourself ? What kind of your job?
Where do you live? What you like to do in free time? What your favorite color?
Do you like pets? Do you have pets? I have little cat, his name is Caesar. Hi
is very funny cat. He is my friend. I like come to my home after work and Caesar
meet me near the door.
Also I want say that I was born in Yaroslavl city. And I live here now, and I
was grown up here. Yaroslavl - one of the oldest Russian cities, founded in
the XI century and reached its peak in the XVII century. If you interesting
you can see in internet. Yaroslavl approximately 300 kms ahead of Moscow.
Yaroslavl is the big city.Also i want say i have only one lack. And it is second
half. I havenot my second half. I would like to say that the age it is not
important for me, because i am seeking serious relationships. But I
think that age is very important in the relationships. I think that the
man should be older than the woman. As for me I prefer my future
husband to be older than I am. Older men know how to treat the girl
right, they know what the girl wants. It’s much more interesting to
talk to them. And there is one more thing. I am looking for the
serious relationships and guys of my age they normally want just to
have fun, they don’t have any serious intentions, they don’t think
about future. I don’t like it. I am not against fun, of course, every
person needs rest, but not all the time. You probably understand me.
What do you think I am right?
Well, I think it is enough for first mail. And if i interesting for you ,
answer to me.I will wait. I send you my picture I hope you will like. I
can send more in my next mail.