Igloo is inhabited by the Inuit, a man who lived in the Arctic or some group who live in cold climates. Materials used in the construction of the ice, which is then cut into cubes to the right size and then stacked layers, when completed, will look like a dome and drilling a low level to protect the entrance. Cold wind Inuit people look like Chinese people, Tibet is a very short brown skin squint
Inuit people living with meat, fish, seals, whales, sea lions, he likes to eat fresh meat. Because fresh meat, fresh blood is enriched with vitamins and minerals needed by the body. The Inuit will hoard food to eat in the wintertime and tradition of the Inuit is. He will share his food to the widow, that no man hunt to eat. When approaching the month of May of every year. For the tribe Eskimo whale hunt. They are using a boat made of whale bone and walrus skins to the icy sea. When they find the whale to climb on its head and a spear stabbed to death. Then take a village And the village is filled with a festive atmosphere. Whaling group leader will divide the meat to the people who greeted. It takes many hours to cut meat out from 1977 onwards regulations. The tribe Eskimo whaling was no more than 22 each year.