*Corresponding author: drtpsingh2010@gmail.com
Sugarcane is a long duration crop which takes longer
time for germination due to which crop faces tough competition
with weeds between 60 to 120 days of its planting
which causes heavy reduction in cane yield ranging
from 40-67% (Chauhan and Srivastava 2002). Sugarcane
ratoon occupies about 50% of total sugarcane area,
though its productivity is quite low (45 t/ha) against 80
t/ha, productivity of main planted crop. This low productivity
is mainly due to heavy weed infestation
(Srivastava et al. 2002). Widely spaced crop of sugarcane
allows wide range of weed flora to grow profusely
in the interspaces between the rows. Frequent irrigations
and fertilizer application during early growth phases increase
the weeds menace by many folds in the crop
(Singh el al. 2008). It is well known that cultural method
of weed management is most effective to control weeds
but timely availability of labours is a problem besides
increase in wages. Therefore, herbicidal control of weeds
has been considered to be economical in sugarcane
(Chauhanel al. 1994). Several herbicides have, been tried
in sugarcane ratoon with varying degree of success but
the information on combined use of chemical and cultural
practices are scarce. The present investigation was