The above citation mirrors in a simple way the idea of Learning Style model. When studying
differences between individual people, psychologists found and described certain similarities in
people‟s personalities (Ballone, and Czerniak 3). Learning Style model is gives one of the
possible divisions of the personality patterns and they have been discussed by many authorities.
As the following chapter will show the model seems to be very clear and logical. The claims are
supported by scientific studies, research and experience. For a regular teacher the model may
sound very attractive, because it suggests relatively easy way out of numerous obstacles in the
education process, including learning disabilities. However, I would like to go further and unfold
some drawbacks of Learning Style model and claims. The reason is that after a few years of
teaching I have already discovered that there are no quick, simple solutions for everyone. It is,
moreover, interesting that science, especially neuroscience, in which some of the Learning Style
model claims are to be rooted, often criticizes the model. The following chapter draws a picture
of Learning Style model, introduces its founders, gives definitions, and explains the model‟s
general idea and application in teaching/learning process of both regular students and SLD
students. Finally, it discusses in detail some drawbacks of the model in order to help the reader
see it from different perspectives and take one‟s own standpoint.