a Sport Club fifteen years ago the East Wilmington Lacrosse Club was created and Steve Goodwin was named the executive director by the club's board of directors. Steve had been an assistant executive director at a successful club in another state and has an undergraduate degree in management and a master's degree in sport management. Under Steve's leadership the club has consistently produced state championship teams, numerous players have earned college scholarships, and the club's facili- ties have expanded to include multiple fields (several of which are lighted) and an indoor complex. Across town the West Wilmington Lacrosse Club started at approxi- mately the same time as the club. West Wilmington has gone through a variety of executive directors who were not prepared for the responsibilities of the position. As a result, the club has not prospered. has a state its teams usually have losing records. Players often leave for other clubs, coaches and other employees leave because of the lack of leadership and direction, and the club has never moved beyond renting fields from the local high school. What is the difference between the two clubs? Could it lie in leadership?