At day 3 after injection of ethanol extracts, PO activity in the 0.5
and 1.0 EtOH groups was significantly higher than that in the
normal and vehicle control groups (P < 0.05), and that of the 1.0
EtOH groupwas significantly higher than that of the 0.5 EtOH group
(P < 0.05) (Fig. 5). The enzyme activity remained until day 14,
although there was a slight decline in the 1.0 EtOH group.
The production of super oxide anions in the 1.0 EtOH group was
markedly higher at day 3 than that of the other groups (P < 0.05)
but was somewhat lower on days 7 and 14. However, at day 14, it
was still significantly higher (P < 0.05) than in the normal and
vehicle control groups (Fig. 5). Super oxide production in the 0.5
EtOH group was not significantly different from that in the two
control groups.