Developmental stages of physical activity
The 0-to-5-years age range includes three developmental periods, each characterised by different physical activity patterns
Infant (0 to 12 months):
• First 6 months: Reaches and grasps
objects, turns the head toward a
stimulus, moves arms and legs.
• Second 6 months: Learns of
rudimentary movement skills.
Toddler (1 to 3 years):
• Around 1 year of age: Starts walking,
increasing opportunity for exploration
and learning.
• 2 to 3 years: Develops locomotor skills
such as running, jumping and hopping.
Emergence of manipulative skills
(skills that involve their hands--fine
motor skills, like squeezing, grasping,
pinching, etc).
Preschooler (3-5 years):
• Further development of balance,
locomotor and manipulative skills.