หัวข้อ: Greetings from Berlin
You name Ning?
You likes me very much.
Am here the 4. day an get over 150 communications per Day...oh,oh
But you get necessarily an answer.
I will look by myself for good woman.
...and I have a lot of work, also today Sunday - not time for Internet
Was last year the first time in Thailand.
4 weeks before I was on Koh Chang.
Come back to Bangkok in January.
See you later? I hope it!
But I would stay not long by ThaiCupid - not so much time.
Best regards!
You can write me: andreas.parthun@t-online.de
Am happy to see more from you - you also from me.
๓ สิงหาคม ๒๕๕๘ ๕:๐๐ น.