For many, Adolf Hitler could be considered the reincarnation of evil itself. However, the complete opposite could be said about this particular newly grad, and perhaps many more, from Chulalongkorn University – one of Thailand’s elite and best-known higher education institutions. Her “Sieg Heil” pose, for most in the international community, would be considered insensitive and offensive to those who lost their families and loved ones to the unthinkable horrors of the Holocaust. Interestingly, and to the dismay of many, the student posing for the photo most likely has no knowledge of the heinous crimes Nazi Germany committed against humanity.
Probably the most important question that one could ask is why. Why was this allowed to happen – especially at Thailand’s Ivy League university that is supposed to provide one of the best education in Thailand? Certainly the more well-educated professors who teach these students must have come across this mural? Certainly those Ph.D academics know who Hilter was and what he did? As it turns out, according the outrage reported by the Wiesenthal Center’s website (, the drawing was left there for days nearby the University's Faculty of History building! No such attempt was made to take down or erase the former dictator’s portrait.