were stable up to 50 °C followed by a decrease at higher values of P–T
and t. PCA indicated that AA loss, TFC loss, TPC and TAC were highly correlated within the HPP domain.
The current study suggests that HPP up to 600 MPa at ≤60 °C can be
considered as a factor of great interest in order to obtain a better retention of bioactive compounds and physicochemical characteristics of
pineapplepuree. However, thisstudy isawaytooptimizethehigh pressure process parameters considering both microbiological and enzymatic qualities for the pineapple puree followed by rheological
characterization and the storage study.
The first author expresses gratitude to the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), India for providing fellowship during
the research work. Instrumental facility and logistics through National
Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), India is highly acknowledged