From tally ho to red dog about tally red dog jack collins a tally done it again tally make a terrible smell how can the dog live with himself mrs collins jack collins want to give tally to army and army send tally to enemy enemy will run to get away from the strink Maureen say to tally is a bad dog tally look up to maureen tally has one yellow eye and wagged tally was only a year old tally was famous for eating jack said tally can have a run and get some of that waind out tally stood up and went to the door jack is army man jack put tally up and moved tally onto the back seat and said stay and tally waited when the car was moving tally jump into the front seat at airport jack let tat tally out of car and tally run the seven home went tally arrived home tally drink water and lay down under a tree tally wakeup and tally think go to for walk displace a kangaroo in the night tally get a small tally go in the night and jack said i think tally go for walk Maureen said one day tally can't come back but last tally was come back three day ago tally come back tally jacket was dirty but tally be satisfied Maureen and jack have to move to parabudo to damper it a very hot tavel and hard it a 350 kilometter they go in the morning but in 15 kilometter tally get a bad smell and jack had to stop the car and jack put tally out of the car tally made himself comfortable jack love travelling from place to place to watching the world go by seeing new place to make a new friend I dampier he live with jack and maureen most of time tally walkeabout for day one evening jack take tally out for rum on the beach there were lots of families there have barbecues and tally soon get the wonderful rich smell of meat cook jack took hold of tally collar to stop him run to barbecues tally didn't know any of the people knew tally look the rad dog call one man he know tally could find his way home and he didn't want to talk to angry men about his dog stealing their dinner Red dog john and Nancy Maureen said she don't think tally come back and jack said to Maureen this time tally been away a lond time tally was no long their dog tally was move on spending more and more time away jack said tally be all right he know how to find tucker tally naver goes hungry and jack said he sure tally found life too interesting to stay in one place he like people he like jack and Maureen but he didn't love any body sometime a dog really love somebody and that person is their ture friend in very lucky for him that Damoier was full of lonely men. tally Find a new family and they said it was good to have a dog to stroke telly like them too they give food to telly they bought special meat for tally a new family no one know tally real name and soon he was just call tally to new name " Red Dog " and tally was in fact a red dog John was half maori and people said that he was a friend to everyone he was small and young and he love animals one day he was in dampier when he see tally or Red Dog in street he smiles and went down on one knee call hey boy here to tally and tally or Red Dog stop and look at him and john said come on tally wagged his tail tall came over and john took hold of his right paw tally know that his life would be different John sit in the driver and tally sit in the seat One day a stranger get on bus Nancy Grey was new town Nancy was a secretary and she didn't know about tally or Red Dog the bus is full there was just a seat which had a dog in it they want to see what happen and Nancy said Down tally look up at her than tally look away again and Nancy said Bad Dog tally show his teeth the men in the bus began to laugh at her and Nancy did not like losing nancy want to show these men and tally that she going run away Nancy sat down very Carefully on the edge of tally seat Next tally or Red Dog was waiting for Nancy to sit next to him and tally and Nancyy were friends not many people could sit next to tally or Red dog but Nancy was one of them A night at the cinema there were not many unmarried women in Dampier in this day but have lot of the men interested in Nancy and john like her too Nancy sit with tally or Red dog in the seat behind the diver John smiled at Nancy and she smiles back to John they began to tell tally or Red Dog and John said they both laughed a little did you hear what happened yesterday on the bus there is a new film on at the open air cinema then that evening John cleaned his car washed his hair and tried to hide from tally or red dog tally love him but john didn't want tally around tally look pleased wiht himself and john and Nancy never did have that kiss John said that with tally in his life in in wasn't possible th have a girlfriend An expensive day for a dog's friend in morning Nancy telephone the bus diver office at Hamersley Iron and said is john