Every School have test such as Mid-term test , Quiz or Final test. My parent always teach me about to be honest people. My dad tell me when he was young. His friend's name is MIKE.
He is nice but he often was cheating in final test by take smart phone to seaching the answer in test room. So teacher carp him and teacher can adjust to fall that subject.
I can't believe this detail as my dad tell so I want to challenge. In mid-term test I hided the note in pencil box. I was so exciting and think in my mind teacher can't carp me. But I was wrong.
Teacher see my note so I was adjust to fall on mid-term. The effect of my mistake is I can't test in final test. I'm so sad about it. So when I will do wrong. I always think about that test.
So I believe to be good person , It's not easy. Because in daily , we can see the news about crimal , theft. The newsman talk the ways thief do. Some ways it's a easy ways to do
But some ways it's a unbelieveable.