This project presents a design development of the control system for Anthurium cultivation in the greenhouse. Anthurium is one type of the beautiful cut flowers that are the most popular and economically important. It is a tropical plant which flourishes well under certain conditions. These conditions must be maintained in the conservatory for effective growth throughout the year. For this project, it looks into three typical conditions; air humidity, soil moisture, and reasonable temperature. The practical values are 75% air humidity, 60% soil moisture, and 25°C greenhouse room temperature.
The invention of this project includes the hardware and software priorities. The hardware system consists of the microcontroller, three sensors, LCD display, and relay interfaces. The basic principle is to use the microcontroller to manipulate mathematical calculations of the information sensed by the three sensors. These sensors are air humidity sensor, soil moisture sensor, and temperature sensor. Thus, there are eight probabilities of controlling functions for the system. Each function is then used to drive the correct relay interface that is also displayed by an LED. The regulatory functions are ground watering to increase soil moisture, nozzles spray to increase air humidity, and the turbo fan blowout to reduce heat in the greenhouse. Therefore, the system can adjust the appropriate conditions for the growth of Anthurium in the greenhouse based on the best conditions of humidity and temperature according to its growth by natural environment. In the part of software system, the program is written to implement the setting point of functional applications.