In the end, Tang YunQi is unable to change Ling Xiao's decision. Even though she had defended her position, she was still pushed away by Elder brother. Even though he acts differently, for now the face is still the same.
The winged-bird takes off, spreading out its beautiful wings on both sides. In an instant they are soaring up to the sky, Tang YunQi's resentful whimpers replaced by the whistling wind rushing by their ears.
Because the speed of the winged-birds is very fast, usually no one would speak at this time. You XiaoMo also thinks so but suddenly a teasing voice tinged with evil reaches his ear.
"You see, Little brother. Now everyone is envious of you."
*Boom*, You XiaoMo feels something explode in his head. He reflexively turns around and comes face to face with a pair of cold mocking eyes. But he doesn't fail to detect the flash of mischief in those eyes that leave him reeling in shock. He stares at him, eyes bulging, this... this is intentional? If he had not said those words, he would not have known that it is indeed intentional.
When they reach TianXin sect, You XiaoMo still hasn't made any sense of the situation. But throughout the whole journey, the way Ling Xiao treats him could not be any better.
At the fork, Mo Gu wanted to ask Ling Xiao if he wants to go with them to Heaven peak. Instead, Ling Xiao lets them go ahead since he wants to go together with You XiaoMo. With Tang YunQi looking back at them resentfully every now and then, You XiaoMo is forcefully escorted by Ling Xiao back to Earth peak. On the way, the other four disciples dare not speak, frequently stealing glances at Ling Xiao. In their hearts, they are probably thinking the same thing as the Heaven peak disciples. Why is it that in one day the relationship between You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao has become so close?
Upon reaching Earth peak, Ling Xiao follows You XiaoMo to his room. Luckily it is the time for morning classes, so they don't come across anyone on the way.
You XiaoMo pushes open the door and walks in. Ling Xiao stands at the doorway and evaluates his room, saying: "How shabby na!"
You XiaoMo glances back at him and stammers: "All of Earth peak rooms are like this. If you... you are not used to this, you can go back to your own room."
The last part was said very softly but Ling Xiao hears everything. His lips start to curve upwards as he laughs, "Little brother XiaoMo, would it be better if I move in with you?"
You XiaoMo immediately looks at him in horror. You've got to be kidding!
His expression fills Ling Xiao with delight making him roar with laughter.
You XiaoMo blushes instantly, realizing that he was tricked.
In the end, Ling Xiao doesn't stay. It seems as if he was only surveying the lay of the land. Before long, a Junior brother comes over to fetch him, saying that he was sent over because the Grand Master is looking for him regarding something urgent. They soon leave.
Once they leave, You XiaoMo climbs weakly on to the bed. Wiping the sweat off his brow, he feels that today's experience really shook him to the core!