Results and discussion
Mean values of analysed parameters are summarised in Table 1. No effects were
observed on pH, DM degradation, VFA or acetate production. MON caused the lowest
methane production (23% for both proportion in the gas and total production, related to
control). This decrease was accompanied by changes in the VFA produced, decreasing
(33%) the C2/C3 ratio and producing less butyrate (18%). These changes are in
concordance with those usually reported in the literature [7], although in some of these
studies MON seemed to reduce substrate degradation, but no significant effect was
observed in the current assay. RUB decreased methane proportion in gas (19%) and total
methane production (14%). Results for methane and VFA production at each sampling
period are shown in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.
With RUB, proportion of methane in gas resulted 13%, 31% and 27% lower than that of
the control at the initial, medium and final sampling days, respectively. Thus, effects of this
plant additive on methane production are more pronounced after a few days, and then seem
steady during the course of the experiment, indicating that no medium-term adaptation of
the ruminal microorganisms to these compounds is expected. Changes induced in VFA
production pattern by RUB are somewhat different from those observed with MON. C2/C3
ratio was also decreased by RUB in the final period, as it is normally observed when
Results and discussionMean values of analysed parameters are summarised in Table 1. No effects wereobserved on pH, DM degradation, VFA or acetate production. MON caused the lowestmethane production (23% for both proportion in the gas and total production, related tocontrol). This decrease was accompanied by changes in the VFA produced, decreasing(33%) the C2/C3 ratio and producing less butyrate (18%). These changes are inconcordance with those usually reported in the literature [7], although in some of thesestudies MON seemed to reduce substrate degradation, but no significant effect wasobserved in the current assay. RUB decreased methane proportion in gas (19%) and totalmethane production (14%). Results for methane and VFA production at each samplingperiod are shown in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.With RUB, proportion of methane in gas resulted 13%, 31% and 27% lower than that ofthe control at the initial, medium and final sampling days, respectively. Thus, effects of thisplant additive on methane production are more pronounced after a few days, and then seemsteady during the course of the experiment, indicating that no medium-term adaptation ofthe ruminal microorganisms to these compounds is expected. Changes induced in VFAproduction pattern by RUB are somewhat different from those observed with MON. C2/C3ratio was also decreased by RUB in the final period, as it is normally observed when
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