5. Applied research
We developed a project of research and action, where the design of the research was built by using documentary
analysis, sociologic questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The territorial area involved in the project is
-Seve made of 860 Roma women from the five above counties, aged between 18 and 46, who were professionally inactive, as well as of 200 company managers. The description of the sample: The analysis of the sample for the field study comprises the following indicators: county where the instruments were applied, type of locality where the subject
women involved in the research sample come from the urban area and rural area in almost equal percentages, i.e.
51.3% versus 47.7%. The analysis of the sample from the marital status perspective show that 30.5% of them are
single, whereas 49.9% are married. We may say that 63.8% of the women are in a stable relation.
The goals were: promoting an inclusive society able to facilitate access and integration on the labour market of
Roma women; development and implementation of a inclusive interregional mode, of qualification-requalification,
employment and social support for professionally inactive Roma women, by identifying 10 professional niches for
Roma women, elimination of stereotypes, prejudices and practices of certain managers in relation with Roma ethnic
group, the increase of the number of Roma women who get a professional certification through programmes of
inclusive qualification-requalification, demanded on the labour market, as well as elaboration a study on the issues
of the Roma women. We also aimed at facilitating the co-operation among decision factors on the local, regional