both countries interpret and respond to the items in an
equivalent manner.
These results have important implications for researchers
and the management of international companies. As the
brand equity scale is invariant across countries, researchers
and managers can use this instrument to measure and manage
brand equity across the UK and Spain. This should improve
the reliability, validity and comparability of research findings.
A key concern of academics and managers is to measure
concepts. Knowing the extent to which the consumer-based
brand equity scale is generalisable across countries is
important since it will allow managers to design and
implement efficient brand strategies in international
contexts. The use of this instrument should contribute to
better decisions about building and managing brand equity.
Similarly, this measurement may be suitable for testing
theoretical and conceptual relationships. For instance, the
cross-national brand equity scale can be used to examine its
antecedents and consequences in several countries.
There are several limitations with our study that suggest
directions for further research. Given that the study was
conducted in the UK and Spain, the brand equity scale is
strictly generalisable across these two countries. Future
research should examine whether the scale is cross-national
invariant in other contexts. Research between countries and
continents will contribute to the development of a more
generalisable brand equity scale. Further research should also
examine the brand equity scale among other products and
services in different pan country contexts.