Supply chain consists of all segments in completion of customer
needs. A supply chain commonly has many echelons including
component suppliers, main factory, wholesalers, retailers and cus-
tomers. We have three kinds of flow in a typical supply chain:
goods; money and information (forwarding and backwarding).
Coordination between various stages of supply chain is very impor-
tant and taking actions together increases total supply chain profits.
Supply chain coordination indicates that each echelon of the supply
chain considers influence of its actions on the other sections of the
supply chain. Without coordination, many undesirable events can
occur in the supply chain like exceed in inventory, delay in order
fulfillments and total costs of supply chain. A phenomenon, in which
many researchers focus on it, is called bullwhip effect. Bullwhip
effect refers to conditions that order variance increases while
moving from customer to main manufacturer. In this paper we
provide a formula for measuring and then controlling of bullwhip
effect in a two-stage supply chain in case of two-product and
consequently remarkable results are explained in the next sections.