study suggested that starch gelatinization process was separated
into two steps: swelling of the amorphous region and disruption
of the crystalline region. Rice stored at 37 C showed a higher
breaking point temperature than rice stored at 4 C, which might
indicate that the rice structure became more organized after the
ageing process. Differential thermal analysis revealed that storage
at the higher temperature increased peak temperature (Tp) and
conclusion temperature (Tc) of rice compared with the lower temperature
storage. These changes subsequently led to a broaden DSC
thermogram. The mechanism of the changes in rice thermal properties
was also investigated through the treatments of cellulase
and protease. The removal of the influence from cell wall remnants
and proteins from rice via enzyme treatment eliminated the difference
in rice thermal properties between the two storage temperatures,
assuming that changes in cell wall structure and protein
properties during storage may be associated with the changes in
rice thermal properties.