Thailand can learn a lot from Singapore Although many people critise him , the prime minister has already achieved more than any elected " Thai leader . So it is disheartening tosee his motivation weekly television flagging during his appearances Perhaps this is because the appeals to Su support his efforts and the Kings sufficiency - economy ideas have fall - en on deaf , ears . Most Thais continue enjoying life as usual , expecting higher salaries while working less . Ifwe compare our country to a private company , " Thailand Plc " was heading for the rocks after decades of rotten govern - ments . Now someone has come in determined to stop the rot , but he is not going to be popular with those keen to keep profiting from corrup - tion The prime minister might not be perfect , but I believe he is a man of deep integrity . He is committed to reforming Thailand in much the same way as Lee Kuan Yew did in Singapore . Lee was heavily critised for his draconian methods at the time - but they worked . They worked because LKY believed civilian discipline , the ofsensible laws and the enforcement elimination ofcorruption were all essential to creatingpolitical stability and economic progress . Singapore is now a leading world economy , and it is worth bearing in mind that its resources and lan compared with mass are microscopic Thailand 's . Some people don't like the Thai version of LKY or his brusque man ner orgetting things done . But the bottom line is that Prayut wants Thailand to step forward , and such progress is long overdue . Without a return to corrupt authority - is him , inevitable Rotten apples wait in the wings . Many are ex - politicians facing going to jail court while their ill - gotten riches are seized . In their eyes , an election is