This study determined the carcass composition ofLao indigenous buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and cattle (Bosindicus), then examined trends in bovine meat marketing followingreview of records of beef production and prices in thetwo major cities of Luang Prabang (LPB) and Xieng Khoung(XK) provinces in northern Laos. Samples from 41 buffaloand 81 cattle (n =122) were collected from animalsslaughtered in May–June 2014, with live weights, carcassweights and other carcass-related variables collected. The animalswere classified into four age cohort groups (<2, 2–<4,4–6 and >6 years) with quantitative and dichotomous qualitativetraits determined. There were significant differences inbuffalo and cattle predicted mean carcass weights betweenage classification categories (p=0.003 and 0.001) but not indressing percentages (p=0.1 and 0.1). The carcass weight ofbuffalo was 104 (±23.1)−176 (±12.0)kg compared to 65(±8.7)–84 (±6.5)kg of cattle, with dressing percentages of37–40 and 39–42 %, respectively. Despite an average bovinemeat price increase of 42–48 % between 2011 and 2013, therewas a reduction in the numbers of large ruminants slaughteredin the surveyed cities of LPB (11 %) and XK (7 %), withbovine meat availability per person of 5.2–6.6 kg (LPB) and3.0–3.8 kg (XK). Improving the sustainability of the bovine
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