Participants and Procedure
Healthcare managers (n=8) in four territories in the
northern Sweden were contacted and gave their consent for
the study. The healthcare managers were asked to name
registered nurses (RNs) and district nurses (DNs) who had at
least one year’s experience of working in home-based
nursing care, which was the inclusion criterion for the study.
A total of 24 RNs and 18 DNs received letters with
information about the study and they were asked to
participate in an individual interview. Thirteen RNs and 11
DNs agreed to participate. All participants were female. Six
RNs and six DNs declined to participate and five RNs and
one DN did not reply. The participants were given written
and verbal information about the study and that their
participation was voluntary with possibility of withdrawing
without any explanation at any time. Assurance was given that the presentation of the findings would be used in such a
way that none of them as individuals could be recognized by
others. The study was approved by the Regional Ethical
Review Board in Umeå, Sweden (Dnr 2010-224-31M).