Two grasses, Andropogon gayanus Kunth. (Gamba grass) and Digitaria decumbens Stent. (Pangola grass) and two legumes, Centrosema pubescens Bent. (Centro) and Desmodium leiocarpum G. Don, were grown as pure stands and in grass/legume mixed stands to compare their productivity at the Poke-aseAgricultural Station, Ghana. Only A. gayanus outyielded its grass/legume mixed stands ofAndropogon/Centrosema and Andropogon/ Desmodium. The pure stands of C. pubescens, D. leiocar- pum, and D. decumbens were all outyielded by their grass/legume mixed stands. Dry matter yields declined from the first to the fourth harvest and then rose again, suggesting seasonal fluctuation. The rainfall distribution appeared to influence the dry matter yields.
Two grasses, Andropogon gayanus Kunth. (Gamba grass) and Digitaria decumbens Stent. (Pangola grass) and two legumes, Centrosema pubescens Bent. (Centro) and Desmodium leiocarpum G. Don, were grown as pure stands and in grass/legume mixed stands to compare their productivity at the Poke-aseAgricultural Station, Ghana. Only A. gayanus outyielded its grass/legume mixed stands ofAndropogon/Centrosema and Andropogon/ Desmodium. The pure stands of C. pubescens, D. leiocar- pum, and D. decumbens were all outyielded by their grass/legume mixed stands. Dry matter yields declined from the first to the fourth harvest and then rose again, suggesting seasonal fluctuation. The rainfall distribution appeared to influence the dry matter yields.
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