I have received your message and the content was well understood. I would like to thank you for your time and warm letter. Actually I newly registered with Facebook couple of months ago because I have heard a lot about this site through friends here then I decided to have one to make international friends as well.
Okay, let me introduce myself to you, my name is Christ Riston an American born British. I came from more than an average family and my father was an energy contractor before his death. My father is an America and my mother came from Ireland, United Kingdom but she is currently living in Atlanta Georgia, United States of America. I have 1 daughter whose name is Jane, she is living in USA with mom as well due to mom’s old age and health condition. Dear, I would like to tell you more about me but I am scared of taking your time much. Anyway, I am a contractor who deals with oil companies; I have dealt with Agip oil, BP, Chevron, Shell oil and Qatar Gas in the Arab gulf. I was born in London and my studied here as well. I have gone around the world but unable to visit your country due to the nature of my job. I am sorry if my last message came to you by surprise. We shall have more time to talk about each other if you read this letter and feel that you wish to continue to know more about me.
I am currently establishing my personal investment although still drawing the map and going around knowing the best location to fix up the site. I was once married and had 1 daughter, but unfortunately there got involved in a car accident and my wife died at a spot. It was the worst incidence I have ever experience ever since I was born. I couldn't believe that I would survive the tragedy and continue with a new life but finally my parents helped me to forget the bad memory and find a new way of life with my little daughter Jane. For more than 7 good years now I am still single because I was pretty scared of going back to marriage again , I have pass years doing everything alone and sleeping alone as a single man . I used my profession to close the gap of my emptiness and to ensure that I don’t remember my bad experience again. you may ask me any question I think it’s more better for me than telling you by myself , because I cannot remember everything that you need to know about me.
In 2008, I decided to find a girl friend to keep my life company but all the same, she was not sincere and always outside late trying to make much relationship with people, then we stopped the relationship because I do not want anything that will lead me to sorrow. I have decided to start a new life with a very matured woman, experienced, honest, sincere and lovely and that was why I contacted you directly to seek your attention and discuss further with you, I know that it will sound silly to your hearing but I want to sincerely tell you everything about myself and would like to know more about you also if you don’t mind.
I am single now with 1 daughter, I would like you to know more about me and I want you to feel free to ask me any question that you feel so that I can tell you more about me and from here we will forge ahead in knowing more about us. Actually I want attracted by the picture on your profile. I have never been to your place before but I learn that it has a nice tourist attractions. Okay I am going to end my message here for now till I hear from you soon take care of yourself and read your letter soon.
Regards .......