Your knee pain get better? you should have time go to the doctor.
I am very worried about you, my love.
You are my lover and very precious to me at this time.
If I'm happy, I want to be happy with you.
If I cry, I need you to console me.
If I have a concern, I want a good word from you need the warmth from you to make me feel better.
Everything in my life had you, since the first day I love you, and it will be forever, until you stopped loving me and doesn't want me.
I regret every time I angry with you.
I regret every time make you regret.
This is the reason why I want your love, your attention so much.
You are very important for me
Now, I'm not angry with you, but I love you so much and miss you so much Darling.
Please take care of your health well, for me and our love.
Please don't be angry with me, what I do, what I am saying is not good to you,
and please forgive me. I don't want to lose you so much, darling.
I hope that when you come to Thailand, you will have a good time with me, take care me and protect me like your words.
I hope it will be a good time and romantic moments and memorable for our love.
Without any stress about your work, my love.
I love you so much and miss you so much love.
Your love alone and forever