disposal (or application) in the field, the effect of OMW on organic
compound–soil interactions cannot be directly deduced from soil
sorption studies that involved OM-concentrated solid or
semi-solid olive mill-borne (or other OM-containing) amendments.
Thus, there is novelty in the examination of the interactions
of organic compounds with various soils that have been affected by
the OMW (obtained in the three-phase-extraction method) under
field conditions, as distinct from the soil sorption studies on effects
of solid olive mill wastes. Hence, the general objectives of this
study were (1) to determine the sorption isotherms of selected
organic compounds in a series of agricultural soils affected by
the land disposal of OMW, and (2) to examine the possible effects
of OMW on the mechanisms of interactions of organic compounds
with these soils. Simazine and diuron were used as suitable organic
model sorbates. Both compounds represent two families of herbicides
(i.e., triazines and phenylureas, respectively) used in many
countries in the world and have been widely examined in numerous
soil sorption studies