a modified handle is in order so that he could generate more spin...basically, a mouth guard design so he can clamp down hard while displacing the pressure would enable quicker cranium movement and therefore more head speed on the blade....specifically, the mouth guard would be along the handle so that when he bit into it (gripped it) the handle would automatically be in a forehand attack mode...then he could truly top spin the ball and his entire swing would ergonomically simulate a regular fh.... in a perfect world that same grip would allow for back hands but that's when it becomes trickier...... if the bh became too much of an issue if i were him i would just make the best of the fh side....just like any penhold player who typically plays 75-80% fh's.....so his game would not be two winged per se the way it is now but played from his bh favouring his strongest weapon...his modified forehand.......but it would also involve a lot more strategic play and running....which is good.