On the other hand, in terms of assessing the feedback effects generated by the presence and dynamics of NPLs,
considering, this time, the variation of bank NPLs ratio, along with changes in inflation rate and unemployment rate
as determinant variables, also in EU case, during 2000-2011 period, we admitted the hypothesis that these effects are
reflected, based on the reverse connections, through the levels of the macroeconomic indicator of real GDP growth
rate, thus become dependent variable, and, in this respect, we shaped the equation, respectively the corresponding
econometric model. Under the latter aspect, it is worth noting that this econometric model implies the reflection of
the cumulative effects of all determinant variables feedback on the level of the dependent variable and therefore it
will not result, by its application, an exact size of the variation of bank NPLs ratio feedback. However, we believe
that the results established thus may be useful in highlighting the direction (positive or negative) and intensity of the
respective determination relationships and, by testing the corresponding model, may be assessed, for example, the
involvement of NPLs in the evolution of real GDP, on EU level, either in its growing direction by reducing the
NPLs, respectively by improving the quality of the total volume of bank loans, or vice versa.
In the analysis performed to determine the "feedback" of the change in bank NPLs ratio change on real GDP
growth, in the EU, for the years 2000-2011, we applied the same OLS regression method, building a regression
equation of the following form: