Hi Sebastien,
- RA15010 : You can un-mount the center, including step # 6 is completed, and replace with new Central Pieces.
( and put the center pieces damaged aside)
Can not because center part Step#4 was completed. But we remove Top, Ball, Pusher and spring from bad pieces already.
- RA15010: The assembly, after step # 6 is completed can not be re-mounted. It has to be accounted as bad pieces all the way to the end.
Yes, We put the bad parts all way to the end for accounted. (any times)
- RA15009: Check all the completed systems.
OK, We setup timing for recheck again for sure all pieces are good. We planned on Monday expend over time to do.
- RA15010: Check all the completed systems (after step QC) again.
OK, We inform the girl (Tai) to recheck again when Q.C. per day.
- Use experienced people to check RA15009 and RA15010
Yes, Only the senior girls to check.
Thank you,