I'm not a woman Perfection me. But what I am sure is. I love you very much Thank you selected is married and lives with me. It is a big decision in life. And you choose me and I'm very thankful that I told you to wait. Not that I do not want to marry you. But for me now, a lot of things it was not ready. I have not graduated yet And I still can not care for themselves is not good enough. I am afraid that I am going to become a burden on you. I do not want people I love to be troublesome because of me. I just wanted to be a good wife. Whether you're happy or unhappy. I want to go through those moments with you. I do not know, now you also want to live with me. But I just think about the two of us have spent our lives together. It makes me very happy (I'm sorry, it might be a little long. But it is feeling and why I wanted you to know).