According to the survey about problems in tenses used by Thai student learners, we found that the problems are understanding writing at a difficult, unfamiliar vocabularies and lack of background knowledge.
From this survey, these are the ways to solve the problems. Tense is a matter of time when we something time will always be involved. Tense it's easy if you have knowledge of basic structure because it's like the ground floor of the building to make your tense education easier, including you have to understand more than memorization and practice tense used in everyday life more to use tense correctly. Thai student should learn about rules of structure and focus on tense and grammar that should be use in a sentence to make the correct context, including understanding the hypothesis in the English language correctly and completing sentence by using tense. Although tense will have twelve tense but tense frequently use in real life are present continuous, present simple, present perfect, past simple and future simple. If the hypothesis is correct tense we will use tense correctly, including to translation it is important to make correct sentences and more complete. Before translation, translators must have an understanding of the content before translation separate vocabulary you do not to know to determine the correct definition and context of the sentence after you translation is complete. You should check your grammar and context thoroughly for accuracy. Thai Students should take into account the rules of conjugation to a relationship and complete. Learing tense to understand be very useful, it helps to speaking, reading and writing in the correct structure and will make use of your English correctly and easier.