I think the industry is the main cause of global warming, carbon dioxide from burning fuel to use. Human being is a gas release came out a lot to bring the energy use.Also, more greenhouse gases come out more and more. However,
One of the first things scientists learned is that there are several greenhouse gases responsible for warming, and humans emit them in a variety of ways. Most come from the combustion of factories and electricity production. The gas responsible for the most warming is carbon dioxide, also called CO2. Other contributors include methane released from landfills and agriculture (especially from the digestive systems of grazing animals), nitrous oxide from fertilizers, gases used for refrigeration and industrial processes, and the loss of forests that would otherwise store CO2.
from the industry, human activities are increasing these greenhouse gases (except possibly steam)
.- burning fuel from coal, oil and natural gas
-. Farming and livestock release methane and nitrous oxide
also processing industry release halocarbon (CFCs,, HFCs.PFCs) increases in greenhouse gases. Result in the atmosphere has the ability to retain the heat more.
At present, this industry has increased.
nowadays industrial has increased. The more dangerous gas effect increased. The toxic fumes caused by automobile, I think it is a problem that can be solved easily.