Moisture contents of three replicates of the paddy
samples were obtained using rapid oven method at
130 oC for 1 hr. Thirty (30) paddy rice samples were
randomly selected from the various rice varieties and
the axial dimensions of three axes (major,
intermediate and minor) were measured in triplicates
using a digital vernier calliper (Mutoyo, Japan).The
data was used to calculate the estimated spherical
average as suggested by [13]. The average
dimension of the whole grains of paddy randomly
picked for major diameter (L1), minor diameter (L2)
and thickness (L3) were 9.04 mm, 2.82 mm and 1.98
mm respectively. The value of L1 / L3 = 4.5 is greater
than 2.0 implies that horizontal and vertical
displacement will be required for the separation [14].
Also sphericity was determined to be less than 50 %,