From birth, Claire Latreia had a vain and stubborn personality.
She was a child who didn't acknowledge her own mistakes, and refused to apologize.
To that child, her mother, who would become Rudeus's great-grandmother, Melody Latreia, said this:
"Become an upright person."[1]
That can be called mistaken education.
Claire was stubborn and couldn't recognize her own mistakes.
If she doesn't make any mistakes, there's no problem with being stubborn.
That's what one may think, but there can't possibly be a person who never makes a single mistake throughout one's life.
Regardless, the education was a success.
Claire became a strict person.
Not upright, but strict.
Someone strict both to herself and others.
Through her education, she came to realize that she couldn't live her life without making mistakes.
Thus, in order to not make mistakes, she aimed to be a person who disciplined herself harshly.
However, there was a side effect.
She became someone who also treated others strictly.
Strict with both others and herself.
That is the person called Claire Latreia.
However, even if the education was a success, she wasn't cured of her vanity or stubbornness.
Whenever the strict Claire faced hardships, she answered with effort.
However, the vain Claire would never let others see the effort and struggles of her suffering or agonizing self.
The strict Claire came to expect the same from the people around her.
However, the obstinate Claire would not change that even when circumstances called out for it.
A truly unpleasant person.
In the eyes of others, she succeeds in most things without trying, yet compels others to show the same results as her, and rebukes them for complaining.
If you pointed out her mistakes, she would never apologize.
A cold person who doesn't care for the hardships of others, and doesn't try to understand their feelings.
Of course, there were those who could see through to her true nature.
People who recognized the efforts she put in behind the scenes.
However, that was it.
Even if they could see her efforts, they didn't tell others about it.
Compassionate people told her, "I recognize your efforts, but others won't unless you stop hiding it."
However, she didn't change.
"My mother's education, my own way of doing things, they're not mistaken, so there's no need to change", is what she thought.
As a result, upon her graduation from the Milis Holy Kingdom's school for nobles, she was valedictorian, and thoroughly disliked by her peers.
Even upon reaching adulthood, she couldn't become a bride.
As the eldest daughter of the Latreia house, she did receive a number of proposals, but all the noblemen who came face-to-face with her and saw her strictness and stubbornness would leave as if running away.
"If I can't become a wife, I can simply become a nun."
Upon reaching 18 years of age, Claire said such.
As a lady of the Latreia house, instead of receiving the label of spinster and bringing shame to her house, that was preferable.
It was a common way of thinking among women of the Holy Kingdom of Milis at the time.