If you have a dream in which you are having your hair cut it means that you are going through a lot of stuff and you are ready to move on from it entirely. Usually when you have a dream like this it is in the aftermath of having just gone through something really traumatic. By cutting hair of your own you are trying to change yourself a bit on the outside as a reflection of how you’ve been changed by the event on the inside.
And if that wasn’t clear before, that’s what this type of change is mostly about. When you go through something so crazy in your life that you just feel like new person afterwards, and sadly this is typically not in a good way, though it often can be. Once you have a dream like this it might actually be a good idea to go out and really get your hair cut. It will result in you looking and feeling different probably, but you can get past this if you know what you’re doing or you know what you’re going through. At all costs you’re going to want to avoid actually remembering the bad thing; unless it was actually a good thing in your case then you can draw on that for emotional strength. Remember these guidelines after a dream of cutting hair and you should be fine.
If you have a dream in which you are cutting hair of someone else then it means that you are a little bit of a control freak in real life. You are probably with someone and trying to make them do something that they don’t want to do or conform to a lifestyle that you are more accustomed to and interested in than they are. If you have ideas for someone that you think will make their lives better or if you think that you know best then that’s fine, most people do. But you need to know when it is okay to make yourself and your ideas known and when it is a little bit too much. Once they start to get annoyed with you you’re going to need to calm down on your ideas and start to keep them to yourself.
The text Cutting hair is something that most men have to do about every three months and that most women who want to maintain the same length of hair all the time have to do about every 2 months. is a property of Goto horoscope Com. And belong to category Dream Dictionary
Mr. Singh 2014-11-20 12:25:40
This doesn't make any sense
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