Since Viyasakum see picture of Ms Bussaba , he love she and he wanted she came to wife .Kamangkuning let so do as he likes send ambassador for propose she from Daha and prepare armies if Daha negation will move in hit Daha City. Kamangkuning tell stories and ask for assist from brother is Ratupayung and Phamun which , both Ratu tell oppose ask for think better because , Daha is Asundawa which , have very military all military have skill in the war . Kamangkuning avoid ,he answer the wage war in this time for grab Ms Bussaba from Joraka although , the brother will each argument . Kamangkuning ask for intend confirm as before, not change one’s mind make for son. Daha party reject not excuse give Ms Bussaba , ask also have a book ask for help to Kurapun elder brother , Kalang and Singhadsari the both of brother . Singhadsari know news also send soldier to tell Daha for not depress , send Sulanakong for help . The party of Kurepun , Kurepun have two books to Damung give Inao one copy and give Ratumunya one copy , give Karattapati move in for associate with Inao . For help war’s Daha. Karattapati move in for waited Inao at Munya City . The party of Kalang give Tumangong and Damung soldier control lift out from Kalang for find Sulanakong from Singhadsari City . Two corps associate for go to Daha City. Since Daha refuse not pick up Ms Bussaba . Kamangkuning prepare move in for hit Daha City give Viyasakum is vanguard ,a both brother is rearguard, Kamangkuning is commander . Kamangkuning give astrologer for check fortune is bad or good .The astrologer foretell fortune of Kamangkuning and Viyasakum at the right . If move in tomorrow will lost hornet enemy ,give except out seven day ,will escape from bad luck . But Kamangkuning not change attend to ,move in to Daha. Since Daha know news also start camp around Daha City. The armed force Kamangkuning City move in near Daha City. Daha see enemy move in near Daha City he feel discouraged Inao because, This armed happen from Inao Sulanakong and Sena of Daha City arrive to also have an presence of the King DAha . Sulanakong tell to Daha ,
Kurepun send Karattapati for associate with Inao armed force for help them. Daha has believe Karattapati come for kelp make war but, don’t believe come from Manya City .Daha make war suggestion to Sulanakong is not out for make war outside City. Because armed force come here have ability , we might located inside City. If have each armed force help then , counterattack them. Armed force gave up in that time. Inao receive a book from Kurepun for bring armed force to help Daha. If not bring for help , we come to an end. Inao read finish letter , he think picture of Ms Bussaba much beautiful , who will be in love with her. Inao an presence of the King Manya, which receive from Kurepun, have important point defect daughter and Manya .Inao depart Chintala , Sakaravati and Maharatsami as such , inside of mind not go there. Inao promise to Chintala if, make war finish he in haste come . Inao move in from Manya City with grieve. Inao move in for associate with with Karattapapa for move in Daha City . The party of Kamangkuning know news about have armed force to help Daha also, not change one ‘s mind but , prepare make war .Then Kamangkuning ’s armed force face to face Inao ‘s armed force. Kamangkuning not know this is Inao ‘s armed force , he ask “ who is Joraka ? ” Inao answer Joraka absent with him , we move in from Kurepun fro help brother . At last Sangkamarata flights with Viyasakum and kill Viyasakum die , Kamangkuning flights with Sangkamarata but, Inao acceptor and kill Kamangkuning.