Chinese cuisine that means food that is made up by the Chinese culture. Including mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, which has kind of various. Generally,vegetables and grains is popular main dish. Besides,in the royal court will have meat dish. Food known such as noodles, dim sum, shark's fin soup and fish maw. Eating culture of the Chinese people is eating together and the device is used chopsticks.
My favorite Chinese food is dumplings, pot-stewed duck and noodles because I eat frequently and find it much easier in the country Thailand. I think Chinese food has ingredient of meat that is delicious. Most Chinese food has pretty a lot of Chinese herbs.
Chinese cuisine that means food that is made up by the Chinese culture. Including mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, which has kind of various. Generally,vegetables and grains is popular main dish. Besides,in the royal court will have meat dish. Food known such as noodles, dim sum, shark's fin soup and fish maw. Eating culture of the Chinese people is eating together and the device is used chopsticks.My favorite Chinese food is dumplings, pot-stewed duck and noodles because I eat frequently and find it much easier in the country Thailand. I think Chinese food has ingredient of meat that is delicious. Most Chinese food has pretty a lot of Chinese herbs.
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