onstructed project profiles,which led to the development
of intervention plans. Phase 3 efforts also focused
on locating funding to implement interventions. The
development of project interventions and the search for
funding started earlier in the process,when CARE Peru
addressed task 9 of the PACE EH guidebook (Task 9:
Create environmental health issue profiles). However,as
the SAU Project addressed later tasks in the PACE EH
process,project intervention plans received increased
attention. To develop intervention plans,CARE Peru
reviewed the successful experiences of implementing
condominial water and sewer systems in Brazil and
Bolivia. Information on these World Bank supported
water and sanitation project may be found at: http://
pdf. The condominial system offers an alternative to
more expensive conventional systems by connecting
homes in a series along branch lines rather than
connecting each home individually to a main line. This
not only reduces the length of needed pipelines,but also
makes residents dependent on each other to monitor
and care for the system. The primary connection point
to the water main serves an entire block of houses
instead of for each house individually. Maintenance of
each block water supply line becomes the responsibility
of the block residents rather than a centralized entity.
Development of the proposed,‘‘Con dominial System
for Water and Sewage in Manuel Cardozo Davila’’,
relied on lessons learned from Brazil and Bolivia and
from environmental health information from project
profiles. The intervention plan addressed the CIIMSA’s
fourth strategic goal by providing a comprehensive
solution to the lack of safe water and sewer systems in
the settlement. CARE Peru,acting as a consultant to the
CIIMSA,present ed the condominial plan to the
Cardozo CIIMSA for approval.
CARE Peru submitted a successful proposal in
response to a request for application from the United
States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Peruvian Urban Environmental Health and Hygiene
Behavior Activity. Based on lessons learned from the
PACE EH process,CARE Peru proposed to replicate
CEHA activities in other periurban areas of Peru. In
addition,CARE Peru proposed to implement the
‘‘Condominial System for Water and Sewage in Manuel
Cardozo Davila’’ intervention as a model pilot project.
Since September 2001,CARE Peru’s USAID-funded
Urban Environmental Health Models Project (MUSA
in Spanish) has continued to work with the Cardozo
CIIMSA implementing their strategic goals. In this
process,CA RE Peru and other MUSA consortium
members have served primarily as facilitators rather
than as implementers.