2.1.1. AM fungal isolatesWe chose five isolates representing a range of taxonomicgroups from our collection at the University of Guelph. Theseincluded Acaulospora lacunosa, Entrophospora colombiana, Glomusconstrictum, Glomus intraradices and Scutellospora calospora. Furtherinformation about isolates can be found in Appendix A.Containers (750 mL) were filled with sterile, 1:2 sand:Turface(Turface Athletics Inc.) mixtures. To each container, we addedwhole inoculum growing with Allium porrum in greenhouse. Theinoculum consisted of roots, hyphae, spores and Turface. Largeroot pieces were chopped into small (<2 cm) fragments. Each potreceived 20 g of this mixed inoculum (roots plus Turface) and wascovered with a thin layer of peat to retain moisture during germination.Each pot received a microbial wash to standardize non-AMmicrobes among containers. Briefly, 10 g inoculum from eachfungal culture was pooled and mixed with 300 mL water to createa slurry. This was sieved with a 2 m mesh, and 1 mL of theleachate was added to each pot.Three seeds were placed on top of the peat and watered dailyuntil germination, and then as needed (every 2–3 days). Theywere thinned to one plant per container at 8 weeks, and fertilizedbiweekly with 1 mL Hoagland’s solution (mol m−3): MgSO4 (2.0),Ca(NO3)2 (5.0), KNO3 (5.0), NH4H2PO4 (1.0) plus micronutrientsand iron-EDTA.Plants were grown for 16 weeks prior to harvest.
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