1 Slide Name - The name that appears in the blue title bar of each slide.
2 Slide Image - The main slide image.
3 Slide Thumb - Optionally add a different thumb image for each slide. Leave empty to automatically use the main image as the thumb as well.
3 Slide Transition - The animation used to transtions from one image to another. In the Revolution Slider this is done per slide so each image can have different animations.
5 Easing - Allows you to alter the animation effect (the acceleration and breaking of the transition).
6 Slot Amount - The number the slide will be broken into to create tiled transitions. Do not use more than 3 to 5 here as the processing can get heavy. Leave empty for a single slot.
4 Transition Speed - The speed at which the transition animates.
7 Transition Delay - The duration a slide is visible before advancing to the next one. This overrides the General Options Slide Duration and it's useful in situations where you have captions that need to animate in and out and you want the slide to wait for them.
9 Link - Can make the entire image a link.
10 Open in New Tab - Option to open the link in a new tab.
11 Status - Turn the slide on/off.
12 Sort Order - Move the slide before or after other slides.