A great blood pumping game, Captain Is Calling lasts about 15 minutes. One leader who is outgoing and loud plays Captain, explains the rules, and controls the game. Another leader serves as the Jailer. The group forms lines with individuals standing one behind the other, facing front. The Captain says the following: “You are crew members on a ship and I am your captain. Whatever I say to do, you do. If you disobey my orders then you go to jail, where the jailer will make you do push-ups, jumping jacks, and other exercises.” The captain uses the following commands in any order:
Stern – the crew must go backwards.
Bow – the crew must come to the front.
Port – the crew must go left.
Starboard – the crew must go right.
Captain’s Ball – two people get together and dances with one another.
Rowboat – three people get together and row a boat.
Octopus – four people get together, sit back to back, and kick their legs up.
Starfish – six people link arms and swing around in a circle.
Make sure the crew understands these commands before you begin the game. When an order is given, it must continue until the Captain says. “Captain is calling.” When the captain says this, all players must stand at attention. If a player does not follow a command correctly or are not in a group for a group command, they are out. The game ends when there are only two people left.