Species level identi¢cation of conifer associated Ceratocystis sapstain
fungi by PCR-RFLP on a L-tubulin gene fragment
Peter A. Loppnau, Colette Breuil
Department of Wood Science, University of British Columbia, 2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T1Z4
Received 15 November 2002; accepted 27 March 2003
First published online 17 April 2003
The genus Ceratocystis includes several morphologically similar species commonly found as agents of sapstain in coniferous trees. In
this paper we describe a simple and reliable polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique
that aids in the identification and differentiation of these fungi. PCR was used to amplify a 1.3-kb fragment of the L-tubulin gene from
C. coerulescens, C. pinicola, C. douglassi, C. resinifera, C. rufipenni, C. polonica and C. adiposa. The PCR amplicon from representative
isolates was sequenced. This information was utilized to select restriction enzymes that generated species-specific RFLP patterns. This
approach was tested on our collection of over 200 Ceratocystis isolates and identified the fungi with a high level of confidence, reducing
the time needed to identify these species by classical methods.
2 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: L-Tubulin; Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism; Ceratocystis; Sapstain; Blue stain
1. Introduction
The genus Ceratocystis sensu stricto Ellis and Halsted is
a small group of saprobes and parasites of many commercially
important crop plants and trees. They are distinguished
from other ophiostomatoid fungi by their £askshaped
ascomata, Chalara anamorphs, and sensitivity to
cycloheximide [1,2]. Several species have been described as
growing on coniferous hosts and are capable of staining
the sapwood blue or gray. The growth and staining of
these fungi in wood is rapid and they cause considerable
value loss to the wood products industry.
The conifer associated Ceratocystis species are morphologically
similar yet appear to occupy di¡erent ecological
niches [3] and are intersterile [4]. They display a range of
behaviors, from saprobic to pathogenic growth. C. coerulescens
has been isolated from Picea and Pinus in both
continental Europe and North America. C. pinicola has
been isolated from Scots pine and Corsican pine, in Great
Britain. C. douglassi is a common saprophyte found on
Douglas ¢r lumber in western North America [5]. These
three species colonize and stain the butts of wind blown
trees and broken roots or freshly cut logs or lumber [6]. C.
resinifera is found on Picea and Pinus species of continental
Europe and North America. In addition to saprobic
growth, this species has also been described as a weak
pathogen, growing rapidly from wound sites in living Norway
spruce. C. coerulescens, C. pinicola, C. douglassi and
C. resinifera are all thought to have non-speci¢c relationships
with bark beetles and other insect vectors, sporulate
readily in culture, and produce a strong aromatic aroma,
possibly to attract their vectors [3,6].
Another three species of Ceratocystis form close symbiotic
relationships with bark beetles. In association with
beetle attack these fungi are pathogenic to healthy trees.
The fungi sporulate scarcely in culture and do not produce
a fruity odor. C. ru¢penni, found in western North America,
is vectored by the North American spruce beetle Dendroctonus
ru¢pennis and is a pathogen of Engelmann and
white spruces [7]. C. polonica is found across Eurasia and
Japan on Picea species and is vectored by Ips typographus.
It is best known in Norway where it is an aggressive
0378-1097 / 03 / $22.00 2 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel. : +1(604) 822-9738;
Fax: +1(604) 922-9104.
E-mail address: breuil@interchange.ubc.ca (C. Breuil).
FEMS Microbiology Letters 222 (2003) 143^147
pathogen of Norway spruce [8]. C. laricicola, also found
across Eurasia and Japan, is restricted to larch and associated
with the bark beetle Ips cembrae.
C. adiposa is distantly related and morphologically distinct
from the above-described species. However, we include
it in this study since it has been isolated from
wood chips and sawn lumber in North America [9].
Species of Ceratocystis can be di⁄cult to di¡erentiate.
For example, C. coerulescens, C. resinifera, and C. ru¢penni
overlap in host and geographical range. Although some
morphological di¡erences exist, such as the diameter of
perithecial bases and ascospore length, there is considerable
overlap in these characters and they can require
months to develop in culture. The polymerase chain reaction-
restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCRRFLP)
method has proved useful for the rapid and sensitive
detection and di¡erentiation of many plant pathogens.
Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) is a common target sequence
and has been used extensively for the di¡erentiation of
sapstain species [10,11]. However, these methods have
been unable to separate closely related Ceratocystis species
due to low sequence heterogeneity [12]. The L-tubulin gene
has also been successfully used for PCR-RFLP based differentiation
of species of Babesia and Theileria [13] and
distinguishing between groups of Leishmania [14]. Tubulin
proteins have a relatively high degree of conservation at
the amino acid and nucleotide level, but a relatively high
degree of variability in the intronic sequences.
In this paper we describe a rapid and reliable PCRRFLP
identi¢cation method to di¡erentiate species of Ceratocystis
using a fragment of the L-tubulin gene sequence,
which had higher sequence variability than rDNA. This
method was used to con¢rm the identity and to di¡erentiate
Ceratocystis sapstain fungi, which our lab routinely
isolates from stained logs and lumber in Canada.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Fungal isolates
Isolates of Ceratocystis for L-tubulin sequence analysis
were obtained from various collections in North America
and Europe. These included two isolates of C. coerulescens
from Canada and Germany, three isolates of C. pinicola
from the UK, one isolate of C. douglassi from the USA,
six isolates of C. resinifera from Canada, two isolates of
C. ru¢penni from Canada, one isolate of C. polonica from
Norway, and one isolate of C. adiposa from Canada. Isolate
numbers and GenBank accession numbers for the
L-tubulin sequences are shown in Fig. 1. Ceratocystis isolates
for L-tubulin PCR-RFLP analysis were isolated from
logs at sites across Canada during the summer of 2000
following previously described methodology [9]. This collection
included isolates of C. resinifera : 40 from Williams
Lake, British Columbia, eight from Cranbrook, British
Columbia, 42 from Edson, Alberta, 34 from Big River,
Saskatchewan, 17 from Kirkland Lake, Ontario, 19 from
LaSarre, Quebec, 17 from Saint-Emile, Quebec, ¢ve from
Fore“t Montmorency, Quebec, and 18 from Plaster Rock,
New Brunswick. As well isolates of C. coerulescens were
obtained: one from Merrit, British Columbia, one from
Saint-Emile, and 36 from Cranbrook. Isolates of C. ru¢-
penni from previous collections, two from Prince George,
British Columbia and one from Edmonton, Alberta, were
also analyzed. Further details regarding this collection can
be obtained by request from the authors. Isolates were
stored as mycelial plugs of Oxoid malt extract agar in
20% glycerol at 4‡C for short periods or at 380‡C for
extended periods. Taxonomic characterization of isolates
followed morphological descriptions [3,5] as well as analysis
of rDNA sequences [12,15].
Fig. 1. One most parsimonious tree produced from the alignment of DNA sequences of a fragment of the Ceratocystis L-tubulin gene (tree length = 409,
CI =0.919, RI =0.876). Bootstrap values (1000 replicates) greater than 50% are indicated at the top of the branches. The bar indicates tree scale. Gen-
Bank accession numbers of published sequences: CL13-12 (AY140945), C313 (AY140943), 126-1E1 (AY140935), 0901 (AY140932), 206-291
(AY140937), 9320810 (AY140939), C324 (AY140944), BW2-111 (AY140942), D53-5A3 (AY140946), 123-314 (AY140933), Ai12-33 (AY140940), Ai13-14
(AY140941), 125-214 (AY140934), C609 (AY142242), 92.633.254.7 (AY140938), 152-5-1 (AY140936).
144 P.A. Loppnau, C. Breuil / FEMS Microbiology Letters 222 (2003) 143^147
2.2. PCR reactions and DNA sequencing
DNA for PCR ampli¢cations was extracted as described
previously [16]. A phenol chloroform extraction was performed
prior to isopropanol precipitation. PCR was performed
using a Hybaid Touch Down Thermal Cycler. The
50-Wl reactions contained 200 ng of genomic DNA,
40 pmol of each forward T10 (5P-ACG-ATA-GGT-TCACCT-
CCA-GAC-3P) [17] and reverse BT12 (5P-GTT-GTCAAT-
GCA-GAA-GGT-CTC-3P) primers, 100 WM dNTPs,
and 1U Taq polymerase. A hot start PCR was employed
using: initial denaturation at 94‡C for 4 min, ¢ve cycles of
denaturation at 94‡C for 50 s, primer annealing at 47‡C
for 50 s, and primer extension at 72‡C for 1min. This was
followed by an additional 30 cycles of denaturation at
94‡C for 50 s, primer annealing at 55‡C for 50 s, and
primer extension at 72‡C for 1min . Final chain elongation
was 72‡C for 10 min.
Templates for sequencing reactions were ampli¢ed as
described above and puri¢ed from 1% agarose gels using
a QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen). PCR products
were ligated to pCR-II0 TOPO (Invitrogen). Sequencing
of both strands was carried out using an ABI Prism1
BigDye1 Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction
kit (PE Applied Biosystems). Sequencing products were
analyzed at the UBC Nucleic Acid and Protein Service
Laboratory (University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
BC, Canada) on an ABI 373 DNA sequencer (PE Applied
Biosystems). Direct sequencing was performed using the
Species level identi¢cation of conifer associated Ceratocystis sapstainfungi by PCR-RFLP on a L-tubulin gene fragmentPeter A. Loppnau, Colette Breuil Department of Wood Science, University of British Columbia, 2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T1Z4Received 15 November 2002; accepted 27 March 2003First published online 17 April 2003AbstractThe genus Ceratocystis includes several morphologically similar species commonly found as agents of sapstain in coniferous trees. Inthis paper we describe a simple and reliable polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) techniquethat aids in the identification and differentiation of these fungi. PCR was used to amplify a 1.3-kb fragment of the L-tubulin gene fromC. coerulescens, C. pinicola, C. douglassi, C. resinifera, C. rufipenni, C. polonica and C. adiposa. The PCR amplicon from representativeisolates was sequenced. This information was utilized to select restriction enzymes that generated species-specific RFLP patterns. Thisapproach was tested on our collection of over 200 Ceratocystis isolates and identified the fungi with a high level of confidence, reducingthe time needed to identify these species by classical methods.2 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.Keywords: L-Tubulin; Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism; Ceratocystis; Sapstain; Blue stain1. IntroductionThe genus Ceratocystis sensu stricto Ellis and Halsted isa small group of saprobes and parasites of many commerciallyimportant crop plants and trees. They are distinguishedfrom other ophiostomatoid fungi by their £askshapedascomata, Chalara anamorphs, and sensitivity tocycloheximide [1,2]. Several species have been described asgrowing on coniferous hosts and are capable of stainingthe sapwood blue or gray. The growth and staining ofthese fungi in wood is rapid and they cause considerablevalue loss to the wood products industry.The conifer associated Ceratocystis species are morphologicallysimilar yet appear to occupy di¡erent ecologicalniches [3] and are intersterile [4]. They display a range ofbehaviors, from saprobic to pathogenic growth. C. coerulescenshas been isolated from Picea and Pinus in bothcontinental Europe and North America. C. pinicola hasbeen isolated from Scots pine and Corsican pine, in GreatBritain. C. douglassi is a common saprophyte found onDouglas ¢r lumber in western North America [5]. Thesethree species colonize and stain the butts of wind blowntrees and broken roots or freshly cut logs or lumber [6]. C.resinifera is found on Picea and Pinus species of continentalEurope and North America. In addition to saprobicgrowth, this species has also been described as a weakpathogen, growing rapidly from wound sites in living Norwayspruce. C. coerulescens, C. pinicola, C. douglassi andC. resinifera are all thought to have non-speci¢c relationshipswith bark beetles and other insect vectors, sporulatereadily in culture, and produce a strong aromatic aroma,possibly to attract their vectors [3,6].Another three species of Ceratocystis form close symbioticrelationships with bark beetles. In association withbeetle attack these fungi are pathogenic to healthy trees.The fungi sporulate scarcely in culture and do not producea fruity odor. C. ru¢penni, found in western North America,is vectored by the North American spruce beetle Dendroctonusru¢pennis and is a pathogen of Engelmann andwhite spruces [7]. C. polonica is found across Eurasia andJapan on Picea species and is vectored by Ips typographus.It is best known in Norway where it is an aggressive0378-1097 / 03 / $22.00 2 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S0378-1097(03)00256-8* Corresponding author. Tel. : +1(604) 822-9738;Fax: +1(604) 922-9104.E-mail address: breuil@interchange.ubc.ca (C. Breuil).FEMS Microbiology Letters 222 (2003) 143^147www.fems-microbiology.orgpathogen of Norway spruce [8]. C. laricicola, also foundacross Eurasia and Japan, is restricted to larch and associatedwith the bark beetle Ips cembrae.C. adiposa is distantly related and morphologically distinctfrom the above-described species. However, we includeit in this study since it has been isolated fromwood chips and sawn lumber in North America [9].Species of Ceratocystis can be di⁄cult to di¡erentiate.For example, C. coerulescens, C. resinifera, and C. ru¢pennioverlap in host and geographical range. Although somemorphological di¡erences exist, such as the diameter ofperithecial bases and ascospore length, there is considerableoverlap in these characters and they can requiremonths to develop in culture. The polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCRRFLP)method has proved useful for the rapid and sensitivedetection and di¡erentiation of many plant pathogens.Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) is a common target sequenceand has been used extensively for the di¡erentiation ofsapstain species [10,11]. However, these methods havebeen unable to separate closely related Ceratocystis speciesdue to low sequence heterogeneity [12]. The L-tubulin genehas also been successfully used for PCR-RFLP based differentiationof species of Babesia and Theileria [13] anddistinguishing between groups of Leishmania [14]. Tubulinproteins have a relatively high degree of conservation atthe amino acid and nucleotide level, but a relatively highdegree of variability in the intronic sequences.In this paper we describe a rapid and reliable PCRRFLPidenti¢cation method to di¡erentiate species of Ceratocystisusing a fragment of the L-tubulin gene sequence,which had higher sequence variability than rDNA. Thismethod was used to con¢rm the identity and to di¡erentiateCeratocystis sapstain fungi, which our lab routinelyisolates from stained logs and lumber in Canada.2. Materials and methods2.1. Fungal isolatesIsolates of Ceratocystis for L-tubulin sequence analysiswere obtained from various collections in North Americaand Europe. These included two isolates of C. coerulescensfrom Canada and Germany, three isolates of C. pinicolafrom the UK, one isolate of C. douglassi from the USA,six isolates of C. resinifera from Canada, two isolates ofC. ru¢penni from Canada, one isolate of C. polonica fromNorway, and one isolate of C. adiposa from Canada. Isolatenumbers and GenBank accession numbers for theL-tubulin sequences are shown in Fig. 1. Ceratocystis isolatesfor L-tubulin PCR-RFLP analysis were isolated fromlogs at sites across Canada during the summer of 2000following previously described methodology [9]. This collectionincluded isolates of C. resinifera : 40 from WilliamsLake, British Columbia, eight from Cranbrook, BritishColumbia, 42 from Edson, Alberta, 34 from Big River,Saskatchewan, 17 from Kirkland Lake, Ontario, 19 fromLaSarre, Quebec, 17 from Saint-Emile, Quebec, ¢ve fromFore“t Montmorency, Quebec, and 18 from Plaster Rock,New Brunswick. As well isolates of C. coerulescens wereobtained: one from Merrit, British Columbia, one fromSaint-Emile, and 36 from Cranbrook. Isolates of C. ru¢-penni from previous collections, two from Prince George,
British Columbia and one from Edmonton, Alberta, were
also analyzed. Further details regarding this collection can
be obtained by request from the authors. Isolates were
stored as mycelial plugs of Oxoid malt extract agar in
20% glycerol at 4‡C for short periods or at 380‡C for
extended periods. Taxonomic characterization of isolates
followed morphological descriptions [3,5] as well as analysis
of rDNA sequences [12,15].
Fig. 1. One most parsimonious tree produced from the alignment of DNA sequences of a fragment of the Ceratocystis L-tubulin gene (tree length = 409,
CI =0.919, RI =0.876). Bootstrap values (1000 replicates) greater than 50% are indicated at the top of the branches. The bar indicates tree scale. Gen-
Bank accession numbers of published sequences: CL13-12 (AY140945), C313 (AY140943), 126-1E1 (AY140935), 0901 (AY140932), 206-291
(AY140937), 9320810 (AY140939), C324 (AY140944), BW2-111 (AY140942), D53-5A3 (AY140946), 123-314 (AY140933), Ai12-33 (AY140940), Ai13-14
(AY140941), 125-214 (AY140934), C609 (AY142242), 92.633.254.7 (AY140938), 152-5-1 (AY140936).
144 P.A. Loppnau, C. Breuil / FEMS Microbiology Letters 222 (2003) 143^147
2.2. PCR reactions and DNA sequencing
DNA for PCR ampli¢cations was extracted as described
previously [16]. A phenol chloroform extraction was performed
prior to isopropanol precipitation. PCR was performed
using a Hybaid Touch Down Thermal Cycler. The
50-Wl reactions contained 200 ng of genomic DNA,
40 pmol of each forward T10 (5P-ACG-ATA-GGT-TCACCT-
CCA-GAC-3P) [17] and reverse BT12 (5P-GTT-GTCAAT-
GCA-GAA-GGT-CTC-3P) primers, 100 WM dNTPs,
and 1U Taq polymerase. A hot start PCR was employed
using: initial denaturation at 94‡C for 4 min, ¢ve cycles of
denaturation at 94‡C for 50 s, primer annealing at 47‡C
for 50 s, and primer extension at 72‡C for 1min. This was
followed by an additional 30 cycles of denaturation at
94‡C for 50 s, primer annealing at 55‡C for 50 s, and
primer extension at 72‡C for 1min . Final chain elongation
was 72‡C for 10 min.
Templates for sequencing reactions were ampli¢ed as
described above and puri¢ed from 1% agarose gels using
a QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen). PCR products
were ligated to pCR-II0 TOPO (Invitrogen). Sequencing
of both strands was carried out using an ABI Prism1
BigDye1 Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction
kit (PE Applied Biosystems). Sequencing products were
analyzed at the UBC Nucleic Acid and Protein Service
Laboratory (University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
BC, Canada) on an ABI 373 DNA sequencer (PE Applied
Biosystems). Direct sequencing was performed using the
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Species level identi¢cation of conifer associated Ceratocystis sapstain
fungi by PCR-RFLP on a L-tubulin gene fragment
Peter A. Loppnau, Colette Breuil
Department of Wood Science, University of British Columbia, 2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T1Z4
Received 15 November 2002; accepted 27 March 2003
First published online 17 April 2003
The genus Ceratocystis includes several morphologically similar species commonly found as agents of sapstain in coniferous trees. In
this paper we describe a simple and reliable polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique
that aids in the identification and differentiation of these fungi. PCR was used to amplify a 1.3-kb fragment of the L-tubulin gene from
C. coerulescens, C. pinicola, C. douglassi, C. resinifera, C. rufipenni, C. polonica and C. adiposa. The PCR amplicon from representative
isolates was sequenced. This information was utilized to select restriction enzymes that generated species-specific RFLP patterns. This
approach was tested on our collection of over 200 Ceratocystis isolates and identified the fungi with a high level of confidence, reducing
the time needed to identify these species by classical methods.
2 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: L-Tubulin; Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism; Ceratocystis; Sapstain; Blue stain
1. Introduction
The genus Ceratocystis sensu stricto Ellis and Halsted is
a small group of saprobes and parasites of many commercially
important crop plants and trees. They are distinguished
from other ophiostomatoid fungi by their £askshaped
ascomata, Chalara anamorphs, and sensitivity to
cycloheximide [1,2]. Several species have been described as
growing on coniferous hosts and are capable of staining
the sapwood blue or gray. The growth and staining of
these fungi in wood is rapid and they cause considerable
value loss to the wood products industry.
The conifer associated Ceratocystis species are morphologically
similar yet appear to occupy di¡erent ecological
niches [3] and are intersterile [4]. They display a range of
behaviors, from saprobic to pathogenic growth. C. coerulescens
has been isolated from Picea and Pinus in both
continental Europe and North America. C. pinicola has
been isolated from Scots pine and Corsican pine, in Great
Britain. C. douglassi is a common saprophyte found on
Douglas ¢r lumber in western North America [5]. These
three species colonize and stain the butts of wind blown
trees and broken roots or freshly cut logs or lumber [6]. C.
resinifera is found on Picea and Pinus species of continental
Europe and North America. In addition to saprobic
growth, this species has also been described as a weak
pathogen, growing rapidly from wound sites in living Norway
spruce. C. coerulescens, C. pinicola, C. douglassi and
C. resinifera are all thought to have non-speci¢c relationships
with bark beetles and other insect vectors, sporulate
readily in culture, and produce a strong aromatic aroma,
possibly to attract their vectors [3,6].
Another three species of Ceratocystis form close symbiotic
relationships with bark beetles. In association with
beetle attack these fungi are pathogenic to healthy trees.
The fungi sporulate scarcely in culture and do not produce
a fruity odor. C. ru¢penni, found in western North America,
is vectored by the North American spruce beetle Dendroctonus
ru¢pennis and is a pathogen of Engelmann and
white spruces [7]. C. polonica is found across Eurasia and
Japan on Picea species and is vectored by Ips typographus.
It is best known in Norway where it is an aggressive
0378-1097 / 03 / $22.00 2 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel. : +1(604) 822-9738;
Fax: +1(604) 922-9104.
E-mail address: breuil@interchange.ubc.ca (C. Breuil).
FEMS Microbiology Letters 222 (2003) 143^147
pathogen of Norway spruce [8]. C. laricicola, also found
across Eurasia and Japan, is restricted to larch and associated
with the bark beetle Ips cembrae.
C. adiposa is distantly related and morphologically distinct
from the above-described species. However, we include
it in this study since it has been isolated from
wood chips and sawn lumber in North America [9].
Species of Ceratocystis can be di⁄cult to di¡erentiate.
For example, C. coerulescens, C. resinifera, and C. ru¢penni
overlap in host and geographical range. Although some
morphological di¡erences exist, such as the diameter of
perithecial bases and ascospore length, there is considerable
overlap in these characters and they can require
months to develop in culture. The polymerase chain reaction-
restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCRRFLP)
method has proved useful for the rapid and sensitive
detection and di¡erentiation of many plant pathogens.
Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) is a common target sequence
and has been used extensively for the di¡erentiation of
sapstain species [10,11]. However, these methods have
been unable to separate closely related Ceratocystis species
due to low sequence heterogeneity [12]. The L-tubulin gene
has also been successfully used for PCR-RFLP based differentiation
of species of Babesia and Theileria [13] and
distinguishing between groups of Leishmania [14]. Tubulin
proteins have a relatively high degree of conservation at
the amino acid and nucleotide level, but a relatively high
degree of variability in the intronic sequences.
In this paper we describe a rapid and reliable PCRRFLP
identi¢cation method to di¡erentiate species of Ceratocystis
using a fragment of the L-tubulin gene sequence,
which had higher sequence variability than rDNA. This
method was used to con¢rm the identity and to di¡erentiate
Ceratocystis sapstain fungi, which our lab routinely
isolates from stained logs and lumber in Canada.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Fungal isolates
Isolates of Ceratocystis for L-tubulin sequence analysis
were obtained from various collections in North America
and Europe. These included two isolates of C. coerulescens
from Canada and Germany, three isolates of C. pinicola
from the UK, one isolate of C. douglassi from the USA,
six isolates of C. resinifera from Canada, two isolates of
C. ru¢penni from Canada, one isolate of C. polonica from
Norway, and one isolate of C. adiposa from Canada. Isolate
numbers and GenBank accession numbers for the
L-tubulin sequences are shown in Fig. 1. Ceratocystis isolates
for L-tubulin PCR-RFLP analysis were isolated from
logs at sites across Canada during the summer of 2000
following previously described methodology [9]. This collection
included isolates of C. resinifera : 40 from Williams
Lake, British Columbia, eight from Cranbrook, British
Columbia, 42 from Edson, Alberta, 34 from Big River,
Saskatchewan, 17 from Kirkland Lake, Ontario, 19 from
LaSarre, Quebec, 17 from Saint-Emile, Quebec, ¢ve from
Fore“t Montmorency, Quebec, and 18 from Plaster Rock,
New Brunswick. As well isolates of C. coerulescens were
obtained: one from Merrit, British Columbia, one from
Saint-Emile, and 36 from Cranbrook. Isolates of C. ru¢-
penni from previous collections, two from Prince George,
British Columbia and one from Edmonton, Alberta, were
also analyzed. Further details regarding this collection can
be obtained by request from the authors. Isolates were
stored as mycelial plugs of Oxoid malt extract agar in
20% glycerol at 4‡C for short periods or at 380‡C for
extended periods. Taxonomic characterization of isolates
followed morphological descriptions [3,5] as well as analysis
of rDNA sequences [12,15].
Fig. 1. One most parsimonious tree produced from the alignment of DNA sequences of a fragment of the Ceratocystis L-tubulin gene (tree length = 409,
CI =0.919, RI =0.876). Bootstrap values (1000 replicates) greater than 50% are indicated at the top of the branches. The bar indicates tree scale. Gen-
Bank accession numbers of published sequences: CL13-12 (AY140945), C313 (AY140943), 126-1E1 (AY140935), 0901 (AY140932), 206-291
(AY140937), 9320810 (AY140939), C324 (AY140944), BW2-111 (AY140942), D53-5A3 (AY140946), 123-314 (AY140933), Ai12-33 (AY140940), Ai13-14
(AY140941), 125-214 (AY140934), C609 (AY142242), 92.633.254.7 (AY140938), 152-5-1 (AY140936).
144 P.A. Loppnau, C. Breuil / FEMS Microbiology Letters 222 (2003) 143^147
2.2. PCR reactions and DNA sequencing
DNA for PCR ampli¢cations was extracted as described
previously [16]. A phenol chloroform extraction was performed
prior to isopropanol precipitation. PCR was performed
using a Hybaid Touch Down Thermal Cycler. The
50-Wl reactions contained 200 ng of genomic DNA,
40 pmol of each forward T10 (5P-ACG-ATA-GGT-TCACCT-
CCA-GAC-3P) [17] and reverse BT12 (5P-GTT-GTCAAT-
GCA-GAA-GGT-CTC-3P) primers, 100 WM dNTPs,
and 1U Taq polymerase. A hot start PCR was employed
using: initial denaturation at 94‡C for 4 min, ¢ve cycles of
denaturation at 94‡C for 50 s, primer annealing at 47‡C
for 50 s, and primer extension at 72‡C for 1min. This was
followed by an additional 30 cycles of denaturation at
94‡C for 50 s, primer annealing at 55‡C for 50 s, and
primer extension at 72‡C for 1min . Final chain elongation
was 72‡C for 10 min.
Templates for sequencing reactions were ampli¢ed as
described above and puri¢ed from 1% agarose gels using
a QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen). PCR products
were ligated to pCR-II0 TOPO (Invitrogen). Sequencing
of both strands was carried out using an ABI Prism1
BigDye1 Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction
kit (PE Applied Biosystems). Sequencing products were
analyzed at the UBC Nucleic Acid and Protein Service
Laboratory (University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
BC, Canada) on an ABI 373 DNA sequencer (PE Applied
Biosystems). Direct sequencing was performed using the
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