Fatima hates that she has had to leave Syria, her memories, her home and her life. She wishes the days could go back to the time when “people loved each other the way they used”.
Fatima began her Journey in Syria, where her family’s living situation had started to deteriorate as her husband suffered from heart disease, amongst the war it became difficult for the family to pay rent. As he was unable to travel, the rest of the family made the difficult decision to leave Syria.
The struggle continue's in Turkey and so to get them out of the bleak situation she left her 5 children behind and travelled to Lesvos Greece. She prays for a chance to get to her eldest daughter in Sweden. Her dream is to reunite the whole family and find some peace together.
Fatima says when making this dangerous boat journey; death is not just everywhere it is in front of your eyes, and it teases you. She has a message to the world to help Syria.