If you are going to be employed at Wal-Mart and you have a physical limitation, be prepared to perform tasks that may place you at risk of physical injury and further complications to existing health conditions. There are no accommodations for anyone that is not disabled in accordance with the criteria as listed in the Disability Act. You must also be aware of your State Laws concerning hiring and firing. Some States have "At Will Employment" laws, which means that a company can hire and fire employees when ever they want with no reason or warning. Wal-Mart is an "At Will Employer", they can and do fire personnel at will for no reason. Read all of the documents you fill out, as well as, the documents you are required to read when filling out an application at an in-store kiosk and on-line. The problem is that not many people read these documents and sign them agreeing to the terms and conditions of their employment without knowing what they have signed.