Yongguk stared at Junhong tied to a chair, pursing his lips as he watched tears pour down the teen's cheeks. “You and your brother both look so pretty when you cry.” He murmured. The things I'd do to you. He thought, leaning back up against the wall, his annoyance starting to get the better of him. He hated this, he despised what Daehyun was doing. It was stupid, foolish and it told Yongguk the man had truly lost control. But, he had made his decision a long time ago – he would stand by Daehyun until the very end. A sigh passed his lips as he sent information to Youngjae, giving the address and the simple warning of no police to him.
The man left the room, shutting and locking the door behind himself as he went to find his boss in the small factory building. He eventually found the drug lord sitting on a table and staring out into nothingness as he enjoyed a cigar, an almost peaceful look on his face. “He's probably on his way now.”
“Was he angry?”
Yongguk had to keep himself from rolling his eyes. “Yes.” Silence took over but it didn't seem to bother Daehyun as he took another long drag on his cigar. “Boss, why? Why like this?”
The man's peaceful expression finally changed to one of annoyance. “I have given you plenty of opportunities to leave.”
Yongguk pressed his lips into a thin line. “And I've said time and time again, I'm loyal until the end.”
“Then do as I say and don't ask questions.”
The older man stared at his boss for a moment before speaking. “You're a fool.”
“I know.” Daehyun finally looked at him, a bitter smile on his lips. “But, aren't you too for staying by my side?”
The drug lord motioned for him to come over, reaching into his suit jacket for another cigar. “Come have a smoke with me.” He said and Yongguk silently accepted the cigar, his boss lighting it once it was between his lips. The feel of impending doom was so heavy but Daehyun looked so peaceful as he lit himself another cigar before staring off again.
“This feels like our ed up version of the last supper, boss.” Yongguk chuckled, watching as the smoked swirled in the air.
And when Daehyun didn't reply, he knew:
It was.