In the course of the Shichida I have no idea what Shichida Unlike other teaching activities such Shichida believes that the right hemisphere can save a lot of money and fast. Whether they will be arranged in any manner and should be used with mathematically others. Not just a single point this will help draw the child's attention and make the program more interesting, do not use a single color red is perfect for teaching young children. We can use any color contrasting clearly with the background (white) and Shichida take advantage of the ability to remember a lot of the right hemisphere by flash cards at speeds of 0.5 seconds per part. Leaves with In addition, the teaching of exotic Shichida. To develop the left brain and right brain simultaneously. Classes are taught in a non-stressful. Between the ages of 6 months to 6 years of age who are exposed to the limitless knowledge by both coaches. Hemispheres to work together in a balanced and effective Shichida's learning through play to encourage children to express their talent with out. Fully in an atmosphere filled with love. The warmth and fun and is focused on training the mind. The Shichida class. Have a parent in attendance at all times. This will enable parents to see that children have improved, however. Or should know how to play with balls. In the course of Shichida calculations nimbly like a calculator, it is a feature of the process by the right hemisphere. It can make a number of points to 100 points, and the children can learn to solve complex before they know or understand what mathematics is.