Sigh of black clothed old man is disappointed, resembles disappointed ... His words were saying that this only wants to give Ye Shi to warn with this flame, has not thought the Ye Shi solemn sacred ground elder linked strength of the resistance not to be direct unexpectedly ...
In other words is ... I know that you are very weak, but has not thought to so the situation unexpectedly weakly!
„Since the buddhist commandment against taking life broke ... You, then also completely stay here.” The black clothed old man sighed one again lightly, stretched out his pale palm, a bunch ignited in his palm before the exactly the same ice blue flame ... But this group of ice blue fires, wanted to be bigger than one time also many it that bunch!!
Still simply conveniently ignites, does not have including a revolution Profound Strength sign! As if this simply this black clothed old man is ordinary, the strength that the congealing strength does not need.
Sees this group of ice blue flame, the remaining livelihood Third Elder whole body fine hair raise up instantaneously, Ye Xinghan drew back several steps continually, on the face did not have the rampancy and arrogance of least bit again, only had ghost white panic-stricken.