Do you know who he is? He s the computer science
student who created one of the world s most
popular social network websites. He also became the world s youngest billionaire at the
young age of twenty-eight. What s his name? Yes, you re right: Mark Zuckerberg.
Mark became interested in computers at an early age. When he was about twelve, he used the
Atari BASIC program to create a messaging program called “Zucknet.” His father used it in
his dental office, and the family used it in the house. His fascination for computers continued
through high school. Mark created a music software program, which was named Synapse.
Several companies, including AOL (America On Line) and Microsoft, wanted to buy his
Software and hire, but he refused their offers. He went to college instead.
When he was in his second year at Harvard, Mark started to create programs for students
He wrote a program called CourseMatch, Which allowed users to choose classes based on the
Popular choices of other students. He also started Facemash, which allowed users to compare
two student photos and decide who was more attractive. The program became very popular
but the school administration shut it down, because they thought it was not a good thing to do
In 2004, Mark along with some friends developed a site that allowed users to create their own
Profile upload photos, and communicate with others. Facebook was run out of a dorm room
At Harvard. Soon Zuckerberg dropped out of colleg to devote himself full time to Facebook.
Mark moved to Palo Alto, California, and by the end of 2004,
The site had one million users. And the rest is history.
Do you know who he is? He s the computer sciencestudent who created one of the world s mostpopular social network websites. He also became the world s youngest billionaire at theyoung age of twenty-eight. What s his name? Yes, you re right: Mark Zuckerberg.Mark became interested in computers at an early age. When he was about twelve, he used theAtari BASIC program to create a messaging program called “Zucknet.” His father used it inhis dental office, and the family used it in the house. His fascination for computers continuedthrough high school. Mark created a music software program, which was named Synapse.Several companies, including AOL (America On Line) and Microsoft, wanted to buy hisSoftware and hire, but he refused their offers. He went to college instead.When he was in his second year at Harvard, Mark started to create programs for studentsHe wrote a program called CourseMatch, Which allowed users to choose classes based on thePopular choices of other students. He also started Facemash, which allowed users to comparetwo student photos and decide who was more attractive. The program became very popularbut the school administration shut it down, because they thought it was not a good thing to doIn 2004, Mark along with some friends developed a site that allowed users to create their ownProfile upload photos, and communicate with others. Facebook was run out of a dorm roomAt Harvard. Soon Zuckerberg dropped out of colleg to devote himself full time to Facebook.Mark moved to Palo Alto, California, and by the end of 2004,The site had one million users. And the rest is history.
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