text will set up different spatial planes and can influence the viewing and reading order. Degrees of density and openness in text and the tonal value of images can be used to increase or decrease levels of emphasis.
The use of colour not only highlights, but also adds depth to -every aspect of emphasis through association, mood, temperature, and emotion. Appropriate colour choice can be based on any one or a combination of these areas. Random choice or personal preference inthe use of colour can wrongly emphasize or detract from the content or message. Interaction and I or contrast between individual colours together with rl1e level of saturation (intensity) and brightness (toile) will significantly modify the degree and volume of emphasis (see Designing with Colour). Typographic"'colour' created by weight change from one body of text to another can also be used as a means of subtle emphasis or contrast.
Disposition, like colour, interfaces with every aspect of emphasis. It is so integral to visual communication that its potential is often undervalued. Disposition is inextricably linked to area and is concerned with rl1c strategic placement of elements. It can subtly or dynamically draw attention to
elements within the overall design area. For example, the small folio sitting on its own at the bot-tom or top of a page docs not shout but is instantly found by the reader through its unique positioning. Similarly an indent the placement or disposition