Street Photography is all about the unadulterated moment. A Street scene should never be manipulated both in terms Story Telling as well as Post Processing to depict the reality. Our sincere Thanks to all the Authors for sharing their wonderful Photographs.
Upload you any kind of street photography.
The first curators choice of this competition will also win a copy of our World Street Photography Photo book 2015!!
(Do not to over edit your photos, do not over saturate your photo, and leave out the watermarks if possible and upload in HIGHRES means more the 3500px width) be creative !
. All images uploaded must have been taken by the uploader.
2. The over all winner is selected by our curators
3. The winner of the public is the photo with the most votes.
4.a Two photos will be chosen by a curator and will win one of the two curators choices.
4b. One photo might be chosen for the following street competition and sometimes will also appear at the Facebook website in a 1024 width resolution. The photo used as promotional photo for the competition will sometimes be pushed at Facebook to reach more people this will grantee between 3,000 and 10,000 views of your photo.
4c. there will be special mentions the amount of the special mentions vary
6. All normal rules and laws for photography count etc etc
7. If you won last weeks comp you cant win this weeks comp !! But you can still enter and upload as normal.
8. You can enter up to 30 images
9. The photos uploaded will be shown on and
10. Photographers uploading to this competition will automatically be the first new member of our street photography website (or call it special group)
11 If at any time we decide that the competition is not suitable due to lack of entries or quality of images we have the right to cancel it without notice (very unlikely !!).
12. MAKE SURE YOU UPLOADED YOUR PHOTOS NOT TOO LATE! We mostly decide the curators choose 12-24 hours before the official ending
13. please do NOT UPLOAD your photo with WATERMARKS or NAME Tags, this is to make sure the curators really choose an anonymous photo.
14. if you upload your photo in HIGH RESOLUTION = the highest amount of pixels you have, unresized (way more then 3000 pixels width preferably with at least 240dpi or more) without Watermark you do agree that if we want to use your photo for our future (charity) street photo book you do agree.
15. If your photo gets nominated for our yearly street photo book, you will get an email. All nominations will be soon visible for all.
16. if you get nominated for the street photo book it doesn't mean that you can be sure to be in the book, depending on the amount of votes, the amount of nominations (you need at least 2 to get in the book) and at the end the jury will at the end decide if your nominated photo gets in the book
17. Only highres photos without watermark can get a valid nomination.
18 Only upload photos with people on it, Street photography must have people in the photo and shot in an urban surrounding.
19. votes from the same IP address wont get counted.